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Medi Permeti

Master Mediu is considered the founder of the Përmet Kaba giving it his name “Mediu’s Kaba” and becoming almost a mandatory part in the interpretations of gërnet’s performers of every generation i Përmet. “Mediu’s Kaba” appears as a two-part kaba: a lament/ kaba and a merry dance.

Typical of his kaba is the lamentation’s motif on which almost the entire first part of the kaba performs as well as the start-and-cut dialogue between the gërnet and the violin below the constant iso of the lute at the note Si b’s height.  The Kaba has a restrained pain which occasionally erupts into pathetic culminations related to the performer’s condition. It is assumed that the reason for the creation of this kaba was the life’s loss of his father, Lamҫe Keko, while performing military service as a soldier of the Turkish Empire in Yemen. Lamçe Keko was seen as the pivot of the Përmet family in music, which has an equally important place in the music with Saze of Southern Albania such as those of “Selim and Hafize” in Leksovik, “Demka and Hajro” in Korça or “Bilbil Vlora” in Vlora .

The second part of the “Mediu’s Kaba” is a joyful dance, which proves the fact that the Saze masters had consciously created the pattern of the transition from pain in the first part (Kaba ” ad libitum “) to joy in the second part (rhythmic dance). Apparently, this is closely related to the interpretation of these Kabas in open public spaces, which was very important in creating emotional differences for the listeners through the play of gërnet.

His Saze have been composed of clarinet-flute, violin, buzuku and lute.


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