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Llaqi Pitushi

Kaba of the two-part type: Lament/kaba and then dance with saze.

The kaba’s part is completely structured as lament with violin, filled with a series of mourning elements, especially slides in glissando and cadences in adhesive minor septa. However briefly in the first part, the motif of “Mediu’s Kaba” is also played. The role of the cutter is played by the buzuku. In the second part, the beautiful motif of the dance comes calmly and combined with the timbrels of the violin and buzuk as “starters”

“Merenka’s Lament” is considered a masterpiece and is selected to be performed by all the most prominent violinists of all time. It is clear that this kaba belongs to the tradition of Korça masters in folk violin. The kaba was originally called “The Lament kaba of Malka of Merenka”. So it is assumed that Malka created it and Merenka is a woman very close to him (maybe mother or wife). It is known that Malka was the prominent violinist in the Saze’s composition of “Demka and Hajro” in Korça in the 1920s and this kaba was created by him in those years. As proof of this we consider the fact that this kaba is recorded on the disk of ODEON ab 229 with the title “The lamentation of Malka of Merenka, performed by Rushan” by “Demka and Hajro” Saze in Korca. Even earlier we find this kaba recorded with the title “Avaz i Marenkes” played with a flute by P. Opingari and published on disc by the first Albanian record company “Albanian Phonographs Record” by Spiridon Tasi Ilos, in the USA, 1918. After the 1990s, Remzi Lela recorded it in his gërnet version “Merenka’s Cry” at INDIGO.

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