“Gaqo Lena’s Kaba” is a consolidation and a continuation of the great tradition of Leskovik Kabas of the years after 1950. “Gaqo Lena’s Kaba” in terms of form is of the one-part type, ie only kaba without dance.
In this kaba you can also find the art of Selim Leskovik and especially the influence of the pastoral kaba of the master Vangjel Leskovik who was Gaqo Lena’s uncle. In this Kaba of pastoral nature a perfect balance is noticed between the role of the gërnet as “a starter” and that of the violin as “a cutter”, which occasionally restores new balances between “the starter” and “the cutter”, giving preference to “the cutter”. This is due to the violin played by an incomparable master, Vangjel Poda.
It should be noted that Kabata after 1944 fortunately was not affected by the conditions and circumstances that were created in Albania with the establishment of the communist system. Their creation and interpretation seemed to happen out of the attention of politics, which although tried to control every element of the life of the country, did not succeed or interfere in this part of the great legacy of saze music. Therefore the kaba-s created and interpreted in this period are either a reconfirmation of the tradition or its inner enrichment.