Tirana.Music.Net website will document through audios, videos, photos and descriptive text, the history of the great traditional folk music of the city of Tirana, declared by the Ministry of Culture as “National Masterpiece of Spiritual Cultural Heritage” (2010).
At TiranaMusic.net you will find:
– Considerations on the ethnomusicological phenomenon of the creation of urban folk music as a result of the process of “musical hybridization” between tempered instruments and village “acapella” folk music.
– The most popular songs and creations sung and performed by the most popular singers and instrumentalists of Tirana’s civic folk music.
Some of the musical materials have been recorded in the book “The Spiritual Heritage of Tirana in Music”. The rest was selected in the archive of Radio Tirana, the archive of IAKSA as well as in the personal archive.
This page is primarily helpful to the creators of this music as well as researchers, students, pupils and anyone interested in intangible cultural heritage of Tirana.